On 7th November 2019 hold 15th Ukraine Breakfast Debate “Between Red Lines: Peace or Capitulation as Conflict Resolution in Donbas?”
The prominent experts from Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Kyiv) Mariia Zolkina and Prof. Oleksiy Haran, and Dr. Susan Stewart from German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Berlin) addressed complicated questions:
- What is the Steinmeier Formula and why did it spark protests in Ukraine?
- Will the new government maintain the course of its predecessor in regard to Donbas or does it pursue a new approach to conflict resolution?
- Which are the red lines set by Ukrainian society in regard to resolving the conflict?
- Can Ukraine still count on the support of international actors?
The issue of the conflict resolution in Donbass has aroused great interest among the German audience. More than 30 participants came to discuss the “red lines”: representatives of think tanks, NGOs, the German Federal Foreign Office and media. The discussions continued even after breakfast, and many issues needed further researches.
According to project coordinator Lyudmyla Melnyk, the demand for expert breakfasts in Berlin only confirms the importance of explaining the processes taking place in Ukraine.
The project team is already preparing new events, stay tuned!
This event is part of the new project “German Ukrainian Researchers Network” (GURN). GURN aims at establishing a German-Ukrainian network for senior and junior researchers and their organisations, strengthening country expertise and promoting joint cooperation projects. GURN is implemented by Institut für Europäische Politik in close cooperation with Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Kyiv), the think tank development and research initiative think twice UA (Kyiv), New Europe Center (Kyiv) and is kindly supported by the Federal Foreign Office.