GURN launched a website that the think twice UA team worked on

The German Ukrainian Researchers Network website is ready! Our team coordinated the launch of the website in close cooperation with the Institut füe Europäische Politik. We are also very grateful to the partners from the New Europe Center and the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation for their support and assistance.

On the website, you will learn more about the project, its team, events, and much more. We invite you to get to know it better:

It was fascinating and quite long work. For us, this task was a wonderful experience. Think twice UA manager Olga Lvova and communications manager Yulia Kabanets are very happy about this cooperation process and the result.

“I have led the launch of websites before and I know how complex and multifaceted this process is, and how crucial it is to work with responsible developers. And we were very lucky with them”, said Olga Lvova.

Many thanks to Yedynka DGTL in general, and to each team member we have worked with in particular.

The German Ukrainian Researchers Network is implemented by the Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin, Germany) together with the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, the New Europe Center, and the think tanks research and development initiative think twice UA with the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office.

Photo: GURN